Further update

28 Jul 2020 by Hela

Hi to all now we are in our first week of swimming. I apologise to the people who contacted me Friday onwards as I was unable to get you in for a swim as it is a mammoth task and trying to get to everybody. I believe that I have managed so far to get a swim for all that contacted except if you are an adult.
Please can you email me the days you swim as I am now going to update a roster for August. I am trying to keep the first session for the younger swimmers and the second for the more advanced group.
Certain amendments to our risk assessment and return to swimming forms will be published later this week so please read and be ready to comply with them.
Please bear with me as am using a new email system for Covid and I haven’t got to grips with it as yet. I am aware that one of the parents sent me an email and it didn’t come through but through other media we sorted it. So the email is below

Email h.haynes26@outlook.com

Hear from you soon

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